4 Home Upgrades That Can Lower Your Insurance Costs

If you’re thinking about the next home improvement project to work on, you might want to consider upgrades that’ll bring more savings for you. This may sound counterintuitive since remodeling usually incurs expensive costs. But with certain home upgrades, you can actually get savings in the form of policy discounts on your homeowner’s insurance.

By enhancing specific parts of your home, you are in effect minimizing the need to file a claim or the amount needed to be paid out for claims. That’s why insurers offer credits or reduced premiums for such home upgrades – which cost them less than paying for damages and losses.

WiHome Integration, a trusted provider of home automation services ranging from home lighting control installation to security systems, shares four home upgrades that can benefit you financially in the long run.

Upgraded Roofing

While the primary benefit of upgrading roofs is risk reduction, policy savings are definitely nice to have as well. Insurers offer a variety of discounts for roof upgrades, typically ranging from 5% to 35%. Examples of these roof discounts are the impact-resistant roof discount, which protects against lightning and hail, and roof age discount, which is ideal for homes with newer roofs.

Storm-Safe Windows

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, consider installing storm-safe windows with impact-resistant glass and roll-down shutters. This can help prevent wind damage and give you 10% to 15% savings on your policy. Depending on your insurer, wind-related discounts may only be applicable if you live in a region with high wind risk. This type of discount may also be offered if you meet specific retrofit requirements.

Home Security

Home security is generally included in protective device discounts. Smoke alarms, door sensors and monitoring systems all belong to this category. Surveillance system installers charge $685 to $994 on average, and monitoring services can set you back by $20 to $70 per month. Some devices and systems can be tracked using your smartphone. But if you want to qualify for the largest discount, third-party monitoring is the way to go. Installing home security can give you around 10% savings on premiums.

Water Shutoff Devices

This type of device automatically cuts water supply when it detects damage to pipes, water lines or plumbing. It prevents significant damage and costly repairs, and it allows you to save around 3% on your policy.

Always go to a trusted professional when it comes to home automation. From installing motion sensors to wireless speakers for home use, WiHome Integration utilizes their expertise as well as reliable products to ensure high-quality work. Call us at (703) 239-1500, or fill out our contact form to set up a no-obligation consultation. We serve customers in McLean, Clifton and Burke, VA, and other nearby areas.