Benefits of Smart Climate Control

At first glance, smart air conditioning may seem unnecessary and expensive. However, it’s also important to keep its long-term benefits in mind. Smart climate control systems offer hassle-free control and monitoring, and they can boost the energy efficiency of your home.


Smart air conditioning allows you to control your AC using your phone and a dedicated app. Wherever you are in your home, you can change AC settings and check the status of your AC anytime. You can even learn from usage analytics and use the information to manage your energy consumption more wisely.

Improved Comfort

Smart air conditioner controllers often come with different sensors, which help you get a better picture of your indoor environment. They also help provide more information that would allow you to customize and improve your home environment. Some controllers also have the capability to learn and auto-adjust your air conditioner to achieve your desired comfort.

Energy Savings

Much like in home lighting control installation, energy efficiency is also an important goal for smart air conditioning. AC controllers can help your air conditioner perform better, provide comfort and simplify control. This usually makes the AC unit much more sustainable, which means saving on energy consumption and utility bills.

Compatibility With Other Tech

Smart air conditioners can communicate with voice-activated systems, such as Google Home, Alexa and Siri. This makes your home automation more streamlined and hassle-free.

WiHome Integration has been in the industry for more than 14 years. Whether you need help installing a smart climate control system or wireless speakers for home, you can count on us to deliver quality services. Call us at (703) 214-3191, or fill out our contact form to request an estimate. We serve customers in McLean, Clifton and Burke, VA.