Home Safety Habits for a Safer 2022

It’s been a tradition for some to start the new year with good habits. So, for this year, it pays to ensure that your home is protected and secured. Here are five home safety habits to help you begin 2022 safe and sound. 

1. Remember to Program Your Alarm

Homeowners often buy alarm systems, but fail to set them up and use them regularly. When you forget to set your alarm, it will not notify you when something happens. With an EMC Security™ system, you’ll receive alerts via our home security app, which allows you to set and deactivate your alarm system from your phone.

2. Make Use of a Professionally Monitored System

A residential alarm monitoring system has numerous advantages. The most important of these is peace of mind. Using an alarm monitoring service ensures that your home security system is being monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s like having a never-sleeping or tired watchdog. A home alarm monitoring service can ensure that, in the event of an emergency, police or other assistance is only a few minutes away. When you are away from home, you can have complete peace of mind. There is always someone watching over your property and ready to assist if needed.

3. Make Your House Look Occupied

Many home burglaries occur between hours when most people are at work. Seeing the house in motion during these hours can deter potential thieves. Smart home devices enable you to program lights to turn on and off at specific times, or even to activate a TV in the evening hours as if you were at home. You can contact your trusted smart home installation company to help you set up your smart devices.

4. Avoid Leaving Your Car Keys Inside

Leaving keys in your vehicle will make it very easy for burglars to gain access to your home and steal your belongings. These should be kept in a secure location or given to a close friend, neighbor or family member for safekeeping.

5. Keep an Eye on the Other Door

Burglars are highly skilled, so don’t overlook your porch door, French doors or even large windows. These can be more convenient entry points for would-be criminals than the front door, so make sure they are properly secured. EMC Security systems can ensure that all entry points are monitored and tracked, allowing you to know when anyone enters your home at any time.

WiHome Integration offers innovative solutions to your home. Our unified technology simplifies and unifies automation services, including smart home theater installation. Call us at (703) 215-3834, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve clients in Arlington County, Fairfax Station and Leesburg, VA.