Home Tech Trends to Keep an Eye Out for in 2022

In this golden age, home automation technology has been growing rapidly. Smart home systems are a major advantage in managing households and lifestyles. In this new year, it’s expected that smart home technology will continue to develop. In this post, WiHome Integration shares home technology trends you should keep your eye out for in 2022. 

Access Control and Security

In terms of home security, automation is the way of the future. Security and access control systems that combine lighting, alarm and closed-circuit video management into a single interface are expected as the year 2022 approaches. If you’re not sure where to start with a smart security system in your home, do not hesitate to contact your local reliable surveillance system installers. You may start with a few closed-circuit television cameras installed in the entrance and exit points.

Smart Home Appliances

Modern smart appliances include autonomous control, voice control and gesture control. Kitchen and bathroom smart appliances are also available. Microwaves and ovens with built-in cameras will be available, allowing you to keep an eye on your food while it cooks. Self-cleaning toilets and autonomous heat-adjusting showers are two other significant developments that are expected to become more commonplace in the coming year.

Energy Efficiency

Green energy is expected to be more prevalent in smart homes this year. Furthermore, lighting systems that change the intensity of light based on room conditions are expected to be more innovative in terms of energy savings in 2022. You may ask your home lighting control installation contractors for some expert tips on how you can save energy with smart lighting.

Health Management

By 2022, smart homes will be able to monitor and detect changes in one’s health. Temperature monitoring systems are likely to be standard features in smart homes. Improved exercise equipment that can track body changes and provide diet guidance and plans is also expected.

Robotic Assistants

Robotic vacuum cleaners are now found in the majority of homes. It is expected that robots will have a greater presence in households in the years to come, taking on tasks, such as cooking, babysitting and cleaning.

Are you having a hard time looking for smart wireless speakers for home? WiHome Integration is happy to help. Call us at (703) 215-3834, or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We proudly serve clients in Burke, Clifton and Mclean, VA.