How Can Smart Home Controls Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

Technology doesn’t always have the best reputation when it comes to sustainability, considering how things like private jets and energy production have the biggest carbon footprint. Fortunately, perhaps conversely, eco-conscious homeowners have the opportunity to keep theirs small. In today’s post, local smart home installation company WiHome Integration takes a look at how smart home controls can help reduce your carbon footprint.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are among the most common smart home systems available today. Their ability to learn and adapt to the homeowner’s daily routines allow for more efficient use of their heating and cooling systems, which translates to energy and cost savings. Consequently, it reduces unnecessary use of their HVAC system that leads to a smaller carbon footprint. As one aspect of sustainability is a longer service life, smart thermostats help reduce strain on HVAC systems and lower the risks of early failure.

Smart Lighting

Lighting accounts for a substantial portion of a home’s energy use. However, like smart thermostats, smart lighting systems allow use of custom home automation to keep lighting to a minimum. Features like remote lighting control, scheduling and brightness adjustment allow optimal use of house lighting. Thanks to improvements in LED technology, one can enjoy low energy consumption and longer life spans without compromising on performance and sustainability.

Smart Water Monitoring

Water-efficient fixtures, such as toilets that use fewer gallons per flush, are nothing new. But they can be further improved with smart water monitoring systems. Features that allow advanced leak detection, water usage tracking, and automated indoor humidification and plant irrigation not only help conserve water on a day-to-day level, but can also aid in reducing the impact to the local water supply.

Smart Plugs and Energy Meters

Unused but plugged-in devices can stealthily consume small amounts of energy that can add up. Smart plugs and energy meters allow homeowners real-time monitoring of their appliances, which can help inform decisions on appliance usage and future purchases, all of which can contribute to a smaller carbon footprint.

WiHome Integration can help you get started with integrating smart home controls into your home. To learn more about our services, including smart home theater installation, give us a call at (703) 239-1500, or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation. We serve communities in Fairfax Station, Leesburg, and the rest of Arlington County, VA.