How Smart Lighting Makes Your Home More Secure

The ideal lighting for your home helps ensure illumination during nighttime hours. With smart lighting, you can have even more peace of mind knowing it is doing more than just illuminating your space. These systems come with various high-tech features to make your home safer and more secure. Read on as WiHome Integration explores how smart lighting can improve home security.

Automated Lighting Schedules

Smart lighting systems allow you to set up automated lighting schedules. This way, lights turn on and off at specific times. A smart home installation company can program your lights to come on to make it look like someone is home even when you’re not there. Scheduling them to stay on overnight for added peace of mind is also possible. This added convenience also reduces energy consumption, resulting in increased energy savings.

Motion-Sensing Lights

Motion-sensing lights are the perfect smart lighting feature for those who want an extra layer of protection. When someone or something triggers one of your motion sensors, these lights will automatically turn on. Incorporating this into your custom home automation setup will serve as a deterrent against unwanted guests.

Remote Access

Remote access is another beneficial feature of smart lighting systems. With one tap from your smartphone, you can control your lights while you’re away from home, no matter the time of day. This means you don’t have to worry about leaving the lights on when going out. You can also schedule them to turn on for added visibility and security at night.

Deterrence Against Burglars

Smart lighting systems can be effective at keeping burglars at bay. Bright lights that come on without warning make potential theft attempts more difficult and equally risky, adding an extra layer of security.

Notification of Unwanted Activity

Some advanced lighting systems can be linked with security cameras and other home automation devices. You can get alerts if any suspicious activity is detected, for example. This added layer of security can benefit homes with family members who are often away late or when there isn’t 24-hour security coverage in the area.

To get the most out of your smart lighting for a more secure home in Burke, VA, WiHome Integration can help. We handle everything, from smart home theater installation to lighting services. For a consultation, call (703) 239-1500, or complete our online form. We proudly serve residents in Fairfax Station and Leesburg, VA, and the rest of Arlington County.