How Smart Technology at Home Saves You Energy Everyday

When you initially installed smart lighting, a smart HVAC or smart home theater installation, all you probably had in mind was the idea of living a more convenient and pleasurable life. What you might not have realized then is that the changes you made gave you more than just convenience. Your automated home is now also helping you achieve energy efficiency in many ways, provided a professional worked on the installation.

Lights On, Lights Off

Prior to automating control of your lights, you may not have cared much about leaving a couple of them on while you were out for the day. After all, no one wants to come home to a dark house, and well-lit homes are generally safer from intrusions as well. Now that you can access your lighting system from anywhere, you consume power only when you need to; turning everything off when you leave and turning them back on just before evening.

Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold

The custom home automation job you had done for your HVAC system is likewise saving you some money. Just as you do with your lights, you can leave your air conditioning off and remotely turn it back on as near to your arrival as possible.

You can do the same thing with your heat controls. Coming home to a warm house doesn’t entail leaving the heat on all day anymore. This helps significantly reduce overall energy use throughout your house. Again, turn it off when you leave, and turn it back on only when necessary, from any location for as long as you have access to the internet.

Now that you know how much energy your home is saving, you may want to make improvements on your current setup or have another property automated, too. Choosing the right smart home installation company should be your first step in doing that. You definitely shouldn’t entrust your home to just anyone. Our specialists service customers located throughout the Leesburg, Fairfax Station and Arlington County areas in Virginia. Give us a call at (703) 436-4110, and let us help you continue living a more energy-efficient life.