Is It Time to Upgrade Your Home Security System?

A security system is essential to the safety of your home. Thanks to today’s advancements, better and stronger systems have been developed. However, how can you determine if it’s time to upgrade your current one?

You Have a Wired Security System

Security systems in the past needed wired technology to work. These were made of multiple cables run within the house. Unfortunately, these kinds of systems are easy to breach. If this is what you have at home, it’s a good idea to update to a wireless option. A wireless system doesn’t need numerous cables when trying to add more devices. 

You Can’t Remote View Security Cameras

Modern security cameras allow homeowners to see live footage through their smart devices. You can check what’s happening inside your house even if you’re on vacation or a business trip. Also, older security cameras have a blurry and grainy quality. Consider investing in a new security camera for crisp and sharp footage. Many of today’s security cameras also have a back-system that keeps all recorded videos. 

Your Existing System Isn’t Monitored

You’ll know you need an upgrade security system if your current one isn’t monitored. The lack of monitoring will make it harder to get authorities to your home in case there’s a break-in. Meanwhile, a monitored system will quickly notify authorities when someone tries to breach the security system. 

When it’s time for a security system upgrade, turn to WiHome Integration. We also offer smart home theater installation services. Call us at (703) 214-3066, or fill out our contact form to learn more about our services. We work with clients in Fairfax Station, Arlington County and Leesburg, VA.