The 5 Basic Elements of Smart Homes

They are many options when it comes to smart technologies for the home. Yet, each smart home is composed of five basic elements. As your trusted smart home installers, WiHome Integration lists the five basic elements of a smart home.

1. Energy

First and foremost is energy. Your smart home should help you save money and increase your property’s overall energy efficiency. As such, your smart energy automation must be able to “learn” your energy usage patterns and anticipate your needs. Smart home lighting control installation is the basic choice for this aspect of the smart home. Others include smart shower meters, outlets, light switches and thermostats.

2. Security

A smart home must stay secure 24/7 – even if you’re not physically present on your property. In fact, the smart home systems for security should keep an eye on your home even when you are away. The systems you install should also remember intrusions and disturbances, and even allow you to see your home when you’re not there.

As your local surveillance system installers, we recommend you prioritize smart surveillance cameras, locks and alarms. These are your basic smart security systems, but they are enough to deter security threats and keep your home safe.

3. Atmosphere

Your smart home must be able to keep things comfortable and tailored to you and your family’s preferences. Many consider these as “optional” but this they will increase your home’s value considerably.  Functional additions include smart light bulbs while wireless speakers are more on the recreational side.

4. Convenience

Keeping things streamlined is what usually defines a smart home and will make your property feel more modern. Your smart home must be able to accomplish everyday tasks more efficiently and reduce friction in your day-to-day chores.

5. Entertainment

The final piece of your smart home is the entertainment part. These systems make your home a more enjoyable place in which to live. Wireless speakers for home are the basic additions, but they are far from your only choice.

At WiHome Integration, you can count on us to integrate these five basic elements into your new smart home.Call us today at (703) 436-4110 to learn more about our services. We are home lighting control installation experts in McLean, Clifton and Burke, VA.