The Best and Worst Locations for Your Home Security Cameras

Strategically placed security cameras inside and outside your home help ensure the safety of your family, acting as deterrents for potential burglars. In addition to choosing the right type of video surveillance system for your needs, you must also know where to place each camera. As the leading smart home installation company in the area, we share the best and worst locations for your home security cameras.

The Best: Front Door

Placing a camera at your main entrance allows you to check who comes in and out of your home, from family members and babysitters to delivery and maintenance personnel. A video doorbell is a perfect device for this, which you can use as the primary camera or in combination with the outdoor camera aimed at your driveway, garage or front lawn.

The Worst: Areas That Violate Your Neighbor’s Privacy

Generally, homeowners are allowed to install outdoor security cameras that cover a broad area. Capturing your neighbor’s public-facing property is usually fine as long as it is in the background. Custom home automation pros, however, note that pointing your cameras in areas where your neighbors have an expectation of privacy like bedrooms and bathrooms could lead to legal problems. Make sure you know your local laws (or your homeowner association bylaws) regarding the use of video surveillance cameras before installing them. 

The Best: Common Areas Inside Your Home

The living room, kitchen or any gathering area inside the house are also prime places to install security cameras. This allows homeowners to check their kids, pets, babysitters and household helpers. Consider areas with large ground-floor windows; in doing so, the user can see if anyone tampers with them or uses them as a point of forced entry.

The Worst: Bedrooms and Bathrooms

Some areas of your home warrant an expectation of privacy, which is why security cameras shouldn’t be placed inside either your bedroom or bathroom. Fortunately, there are available alternatives like motion detectors and glass break sensors, baby monitors and personal medical alert systems.

WiHome Integration offers video surveillance and smart home theater installation services. Expect only a smooth process and the highest quality service when you turn to us. We proudly serve the areas in and around Fairfax Station, Leesburg and all of Arlington County, VA. Call us today at (703) 239-1500, or fill out this contact form to schedule your consultation.