Why Should You Install Automatic Shades This Summer?

With the warmer months here, homeowners struggle to keep their living spaces cool. It can be challenging to keep your home comfortable without significantly increasing your energy bills. Fortunately, installing automatic shades from a dependable smart home installation company can help with that.  

Here are the biggest reasons to get automatic shades this summer.

More Comfortable Spaces

Some parts of your home receive more sunlight than others, and these areas also tend to be warmer. South-facing rooms can benefit from automatic or smart shades. You can set these shades to close or open at certain times of the day to keep as much heat out of your space as possible. 

Added Privacy

People tend to spend more time outdoors in summer. This could create issues with privacy, especially if you have expansive windows. It’s another concern you can address with automated shades. A dependable custom home automation company can install automatic shades that add more privacy, appeal and comfort to your humble abode. At WiHome Integration, you can count on us for superior home automation solutions. 

Improved Sleep

Summer is known for its longer days and shorter nights. The sun rising earlier this season can affect your circadian rhythm or sleep-wake patterns. Getting blackout automatic shades will save you from being woken up too early. They will help you sleep better and feel more refreshed in the morning. 

Eliminate Glare

Glare can make it harder to watch TV, use your computer and browase through your phone. For some people, it can even trigger migraines. With automatic blinds, all it takes is a tap of a finger or voice command to eliminate glare. 

At WiHome Integration, we’re here to make your home cozy and more convenient with our automated shades. We also offer quality smart home theater installation services. Call us at (703) 239-1500, or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate. We work with clients in Fairfax Station, Arlington County and Leesburg, VA.